Hosting an event is a great way to increase exposure and reach a wide audience, showing potential customers everything your business can offer them in an upfront approach. This marketing tactic can turn out to be a gold mine if done properly. Here are a few steps you can follow to ensure your next event hits all the markets.
- Develop A Goal
Set a clear goal for the event. Do you want to hand out business cards and have a number in mind for how many follow-ups you’re hoping for? Do you hope to have a hundred people stop by the event? Having a clear goal from the beginning will help to drive your plan.
- Set A Plan
Do not wing a business event. This could lead to disaster. Have a set plan for how you will achieve your goals. This outline will help to keep you on track, should you ever stray, leading to a successful event.
- Pick A Date
Most people planning a business event will save picking a date for last and will not put too much time into it. The date can actually make or break an event. Do you want the event to be on small business Saturday? Do you want the event to coincide with a local fair date? Try not to pick a date on any large sporting events, as this could take away from the event.
- Decide On A Budget
As part of your plan, include a detailed budget. Inform everyone involved in the planning process of the budget and how you will maintain it. Budget and luxury events can both be equally effective. Plan to do research in order to be able to stick within your budget and not overspend. You will want to plan how much money is going to be spent on each item you need.
- Choose Your Team
Everyone who works with you on the event should be on the same page. When planning an event, choose people who share the same goals you have for your business and will bring the most to the table to help your event succeed.
- Utilize Social Media
Social media is one of the most important tools you can use to grow your small business. Use the “create an event” feature on your business’s Facebook page to let your followers see and share your event, which will detail the date you have chosen.
- Make A Buzz
Consider contacting your local radio station or issue a press release to the newspaper. This will help to put your event out into the world and get people interested. You can pin up flyers at bulletin boards, which are sometimes located at post offices and libraries. Social media can also be used for various posting to help advertise the event. The more people see and hear something, the more likely they are to remember it.
- Create Promotional Items
Some business owners do not see the value of promotional items. However, they are not to be skated over. Promotional items not only show your customer that you value them, but they also put your business in front of more eyes without you having to do any additional work. For example, wholesale t-shirts with your logo are an inexpensive way of promoting your event while simultaneously keeping it a lasting thought in people’s minds. Customers will enjoy these and may wear them for years to come. Other promotional items include hats, bags, magnets, and pens.
- Keep A Positive Attitude
Your event may have been going on for a few hours now and only a handful of people have stopped to check it out. Not all events are going to be successful. Trial and error is one of the best tools when it comes to marketing. Keep an upbeat and lively personality. Your team will feed off your energy, so keep it positive.
- Follow Up
Always follow up with those who stopped at your event and left their information. You can also ask for feedback via social media. At your event, you may have had potential customers sign up for an emailing list or gave them your business card. Make sure to shoot out an email or return their phone calls to keep them interested.
Hosting a business event is an excellent way to gain new customers and meet your demographic face-to-face. While it sometimes can require a bit of effort, the pay off is well worth it.