
10 Reasons Your Staff Should Volunteer

10 Reasons Your Staff Should Volunteer

Less than 40% of employees have their employers’ support to volunteer. But why is this the case? Big firms are encouraging their staff to volunteer, Novo Nordisk, a major Danish pharmaceutical company encourages its employees to volunteer abroad providing employees with 80 hours paid time off. If such large companies […]

How to Increase the Value of Your Telematics System

How to Increase the Value of Your Telematics System

By definition, telematics refers to the division of information technology which deals with the long-distance transmission of mobile data. A telematics system will automate the process of gathering and storing data, however, without the correct analysis, this data is worthless. When telematics data is applied to real-world situations and implemented […]

How To Set Up Remote Team For Success

How To Set Up Remote Team For Success

One of the greatest shifts that have taken place in the technology industry over the last decade is the rise of remote work. Working remotely has changed the culture inside companies ranging from small startups to big Fortune 500 companies. Many companies have embraced remote working for its perceived benefits […]

The Why Behind Agile Management

The Why Behind Agile Management

It’s one thing to adopt an agile management style but it’s quite another thing to understand why your organization is going agile. All too often the agile management process breaks down in organizations because people simply don’t understand the benefits of agile. As you know agile management is based on […]

How Small Businesses Can Maintain a Start-up Culture

How Small Businesses Can Maintain a Start-up Culture

The technology industry is saturated with start-up businesses and young entrepreneurs trying to make their mark. A challenge most of these companies will face is growing their operations, whilst maintaining the team dynamic that the company was founded upon. Paying attention to your culture from the get-go will define your […]